Telephone number: 07518587791


Hazard level Safe
Number of comments 9
Last viewed April 28, 2024
Number of views 1046

There are 9 comments for the phone number 07518587791. Phone number hazard level Safe. 9 users were marked it with 3 Unsafe, 1 Safe, 5 Neutral rating.


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Comments on the number 07518587791


These people are dogey saying that there working with citizens advice saying that you have lots of money loans to pay off watch out

April 25, 2021

The man on the phone had a very poor command of English and was very hard to understand. He was telling me he was from a government body and I have debt over £6 k. I asked how he knows my number and how much debt I have (which isn’t the figure he said) an

April 25, 2021

Called claiming to be part of a government backed scheme to right off a proportion of my debt. When I stated I wasn’t interested and to be removed from the calling list was threatened to be put on a autodialler list and called 10,000 times a day for being

April 25, 2021

Recieved a phone call today from this number. Was an Asian sounding guy claiming to be grimness citizens Advice Bureau and was calling about debts I have (I do have debts and have seen Citizens Advice about debt before) however I know they would not call

April 25, 2021

Caller from (far away lands) wanted to speak with the owner of the mobile number though his voice was quite clear , I had quit a bit of background noise on my end end as aske him to repeat what he had asked then he hung up.
Now blocked

April 25, 2021

Showed up as spam call on android

April 25, 2021

claiming to be from citizens advice. " I want to talk to" and "it's urgent ". I don't think so! !!

April 25, 2021

An Asian woman rang me about a debt reduction programme with my creditors. When I said her call sounded very suspicious, she rang off.

April 25, 2021

Insisted was from CAB Asian man bad english, insisted I had debt, sounded supspisous I put phone down on it

April 25, 2021

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Localization of the phone number:
  • +447518587791
  • +44 7518 587791
  • 07518 587791
  • +44-7518-587791