Telephone number: 01143599246


Hazard level Safe
Number of comments 6
Last viewed July 26, 2024
Number of views 411

There are 6 comments for the phone number 01143599246. Phone number hazard level Safe. 6 users were marked it with 6 Neutral rating.

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Comments on the number 01143599246


I have a text msg saying, hello beautiful. How are you?. Then 10 mins later another saying sorry wrong number. Bother from this number. 01143599246. Very odd

April 25, 2021

I am a regular user of gumtree to buy and sell. I noticed that the messages I have received showing interest in my item were very similar! Can't believe this person or whoever it is? Is still on here! I must have had this person respond around 5 times in

April 25, 2021

Scammer still at it on Gumtree. Received the following message today. Glad I Googled the number and arrived here. Seemed to good to be true and I was suspicious.

Great! please consider it sold and please cancel every other appointment re

April 25, 2021

Like others on here, I frequently post things for sale on Gumtree. Today, after posting an item, I received a text from this number, asking me to contact them by email. I did (but as I smelled a rat from the get go, I used an alternative email address tha

April 25, 2021

It's all not quite legitimate
And what a scummy man
Just give him half a chance
I bet he'll rob you if he can
Can see it in his eyes, yeah
That he's got a driving ban
Amongst some other offences

April 25, 2021

Gumtree scam

April 25, 2021

It's difficult to do this because there are hundreds of comments a day.

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Localization of the phone number:
  • +441143599246
  • +44 114 359 9246
  • 0114 359 9246
  • +44-114-359-9246