Telephone number: 08456021111


Hazard level Neutral
Number of comments 22
Last viewed April 27, 2024
Number of views 1429

There are 22 comments for the phone number 08456021111. Phone number hazard level Neutral. 22 users were marked it with 10 Unsafe, 12 Neutral rating.


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Comments on the number 08456021111


This number has called my telephone 3 times this evening; the last call was at 10.15pm! Very annoying, especially as I am ex-directory. I did not recognise the number, and so did not answer the phone. On the third call, I did pick up the phone, but they h

April 25, 2021

Ill at home for Christmas trying to rest before serious operation in January. This number began calling on Christmas Eve. They left no message on answering machine. Called 1471 - given 08456021111 as caller. Throughout Christmas Day it rang repeatedly. Su

April 25, 2021

Rang on xmas day, cut off after two rings, same again at 6:30 am today, seems to be intended to make you call back, haven't and won't.

April 25, 2021

Received 3 calls from this number one at 4am. Nobody on the line. No message left on the answerphone but when the number rang was diverted to sky voicemail

April 25, 2021

they called me at 5.22am, got a fright as my parents are in sheltered housing and I thought it was an emergency call about them. Scandalous these companies get away with harassing people especially this time in the morning. Needless to say it was a record

April 25, 2021

7:38am Christmas Day, didn't answer, called again 7:58am, didn't answer, I didn't call back etc, will block.

April 25, 2021

This number has called my landline four times this morning starting at 6:00am! That one I answered but the line was dead the others we did not answer. Who are they calling at this time and so persistently?

April 25, 2021

They phone early in morning, get our call guardian message and ring off but that single ring is enough to wake us.

April 25, 2021

I have been receiving calls from this number now over a week manly early in the mornings. My husband has dementia and this is disturbing him greatly if he answers the phone

April 25, 2021

Rang me twice at 7.30 am and 8.45 it a pain now

April 25, 2021

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Localization of the phone number:
  • +448456021111
  • +44 845 602 1111
  • 0845 602 1111
  • +44-845-602-1111