Telephone number: 01276421189


Hazard level Safe
Number of comments 22
Last viewed April 25, 2024
Number of views 1866

There are 22 comments for the phone number 01276421189. Phone number hazard level Safe. 22 users were marked it with 3 Unsafe, 19 Neutral rating.


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Comments on the number 01276421189


I've just had 1 about 30 min ago saying i have paid to much for my gas and they wanted to wright me a cheque the man asked me what name soon as ask who this was he never answered so i put the phone down.

April 25, 2021

Automated recording, saying "Hello...? Hello...? You're still there? .... S using my wifi"
Gives time to answer in between.
Wonder if they're trying to get people to say a certain phrase, to fraud them in some way?

April 25, 2021

A recorded voice was saying that he couldn't s thinking about me. I then hung up.

April 25, 2021

Hello what would you like for Christmas.ho ho ho. In creepy clown voice. Speaks as if waiting for you to answer, recording gives time for your reply. Well creepy!

April 25, 2021

Male, Scottish accent accusing us of using his wifi. Said he got our contact number from IP address and wanted to know how we knew his password. Threatened to contact the police. Weirdo obvs nothing better to do on a Friday afternoon....I put the phone

April 25, 2021

Some woman screaming down the phone saying she wants to know who it is and she found my number on her mans cell phone ahaha I had my mic on mute so I was just laughing ahahah think it's a prank anyway, either that or some weirdo has my number ahaha

April 25, 2021

This is an automated prank call

April 25, 2021

Male, Surrey accent, yelling that someone from this phone number had been using his credit card and if I wasn't nice to him he would call the police. Very aggressive, yelling,sounded unhinged

April 25, 2021

Just had a call from this man , getting angry saying i am using his wifi ! LOL, then when I questioned it he got angry and said how would I like it if someone used your wifi. So I told him where to go and hung up.

April 25, 2021

the caller claimed that i have been recieving and buying fake good, where I had to pay a fine of £400,i could do it now by bank card ,wouldn't do that wanted to know his name and company name as he was getting nothing, then ireceived verbal abuse then pho

April 25, 2021

Man saying my kid has damaged his car and I'm going to pay for it. Abusive and threatening.

April 25, 2021

A Scottish man called saying that I was using his WiFi, that he had traced it to my IP. He was very angry. He said I had stolen his password. I told him to s being abusive, that I wasn’t using his WiFi, and asked how he got my number. He kept shouting,

April 25, 2021

Some form of prank call ringing up ranting about dead sheep. It was hilarious. They threatened to to call the local constabulary about it, when I informed them that was exactly who they had phoned they hung up so there must have been someone listening!!

April 25, 2021

One lady called me and asked " who are you ? "
I said , "you called me . What is your name ?"

She : Why are you calling my boyfriend ?

I blocked her number

April 25, 2021

An abusive Scott claiming I was stealing his WiFi....

April 25, 2021

screams about finding number on his gf phone

April 25, 2021

Have no idea who the person was but sounded like he was putting on a voice. Definitely male but said he's been watching me and described features on me. He also said he'd call me again the following day and reveal his identity?

April 25, 2021

A man claiming I'm having affair with his spouse stupid

April 25, 2021

Dangerous, prank caller. Same person as 07546026999.

April 25, 2021

Clear English accent. Told me that I had been spying on his wife and taking pictures of her and that he variuosly intended to fill me in and report me to the police. I have a feeling that it was an automated voice response system as I sped speaking a

April 25, 2021

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Localization of the phone number:
  • +441276421189
  • +44 1276 421189
  • 01276 421189
  • +44-1276-421189