Telephone number: 01243767858


Hazard level Safe
Number of comments 9
Last viewed April 24, 2024
Number of views 1263

There are 9 comments for the phone number 01243767858. Phone number hazard level Safe. 9 users were marked it with 3 Unsafe, 6 Neutral rating.


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Comments on the number 01243767858


Rang and asked for me by name, so clearly had access to details, then just hung up

April 25, 2021

dave phoned me today(said he is from homeguard) saying my tv policy was up for renewal and needed a lump sum of £99 today. he said I started the policy in 2014 and paid lump sum. I knew I hadn't and told him I am covered by stores own insurance. and the

April 25, 2021

Called today at about 12.10 hrs. Pretending to carry Drainage Insurance for me, Caller hung up when I disputed the fact

April 25, 2021

This number has called 6 times so far today one more than yesterday why don’t they leave a message that’s what the answer phone is for , if you don’t leave a genuine message it’s a scam

April 25, 2021

Called asking for my mother (deceased over 2 years) regarding the "warranty on the TV at the property." My mother never had a TV! Can only assume caller is targeting older/vulnreable people to get them to pay a warranty extension or the like...

April 25, 2021

called to say our drain and water pipe insurance is running out, true I think, but not a good company to deal with

April 25, 2021

This number called about a supposedly TV policy that I have with their company. Told the lady that I didn't but she insisted that I had. Told her to cancel their imaginary policy. I know the company I hold such a policy with and they were definitely phish

April 25, 2021

Told me my policy had expired. I said the policy would be in my husband's name and they would need to speak to him. I was told the policy was in my name. I said I wouldn't have taken out a policy and if I had, why hadn't they contacted me before it expire

April 25, 2021

Rang and asked for my wife saying she was the named person on our TV warranty. I hung up and they called straight back asking for her. When I said she would not be on a TV warranty and it's a scam they hung up.

April 25, 2021

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Localization of the phone number:
  • +441243767858
  • +44 1243 767858
  • 01243 767858
  • +44-1243-767858